Modern Survival Arkansas

Hello, and welcome to Modern Survival Arkansas. My name is Dakota, and I am an amateur survivalist, based in Arkansas, leaning into modern innovations to aide in surviving natural and man made disasters. Life has thrown us all a lot of curveballs over the past few years, from minor financial disasters to a global pandemic that brought the economy to it’s knees.

The world thinks of survivalists in the light of “Doomsday Preppers” where people with unrealistic ideas do unrealistic things.

I am not a Doomsday Prepper.

I’m focused on the here and now. The small things that turn into big things. The breakdown on the side of the road when there’s no cell service. The unexpected home invasion. The chainsaw accident that severs an artery.

The world is full of common occurrences like this. Every day accidents that end or derail the lives of every day people. There are always going to be bad days, but by preparing for the worst, we can prevent some of these disastrous outcomes. I believe that by analyzing survival events from our past, as well as adopting modern and old school methods (and a bunch of common sense), individual people can prevent small scale emergencies.

If you are interested in living a lifestyle more free of fear, more disciplined and resilient, then consider some of the content below. There is more content coming, and while the website is a work in progress, I’m devoted to developing it into something that brings us all together.


Gear Reviews

Squared Away Series

Survival Stories