
What brands do you associate with?

American manufactured brands are becoming a staple of my lifestyle currently. I’m pretty anti consumerism, so I don’t buy a lot of new things, but when I do, I tend to aim towards more American brands. When it comes to clothing, I specifically look to Origin brand clothing.

To be clear, I don’t receive any money from Origin, nor do I receive any products from them in exchange for reviews. Nor do I love every product they produce, and they certainly haven’t always fit me perfectly.

What they HAVE done is continually strive to improve the quality of their clothing, the durability, and the fit. In a world where the commitment to do things better every time has been lost, and where craftsmanship has started to die off, Origin has stepped in.

Origin specializes in functional, durable clothing for the worker, the athlete, and the hunter. Their Core T-shirt is one of my every day shirts (specifically the grey three pack, which looks great under almost any color of jacket), and I also own both the Nano Wool, Stealth Wool, and Hundred Kilo hoodie/jackets.

Origin’s Nano Wool Pullover

I am drawn to American brands for the same reason I am drawn to financial responsibility: I know that my money is being used well, by both myself, and by the companies I’m spending with. Origin uses American labor, who are payed a livable wage, and there are no sweat shops involved. This allows me to wear clothing that I can feel good about, and I look forward to owning more when the clothing I wear now has worn itself down.

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